ICM Diorama 1:35 - Battle of France, German Combat Vehicles

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Starting on May 10, 1940, Operation Gelb, Wehrmacht formations invaded the territory of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. The French commander-in-chief, General Gamelin, ordered the French army to engage in battle with units and subunits of the German troops. Fierce fighting unfolded, and the battle for France began. Parts of the Wehrmacht advanced rapidly, which was largely facilitated by the high degree of motorization of the German armed forces. Tank units with the support of motorized infantry advanced in swift throws. Wedging into the bRead More...
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Part no: ICMDS3515

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ICM Diorama 1:35 - Battle of France, German Combat Vehicles
Units E3 & E4, Ronald House, Fenton Way, Chatteris, Cambs, PE16 6UP, United Kingdom | Tel: +44(0)1354 760022 | Fax: +44(0)1354 760037
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