
Masterbox 1:32 - Greco-Persian War - Persian Light no. 8

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Such lightly armed warriors, who were called Takabara, were an analogue of the Ancient Greek Peltasts. Their task was to attack the enemy's battle formations with projectile weapons, disrupt their ranks, confuse their battle formations, inflict the maximum possible damage and thereby prepare favourable conditions for the attack of their heavily armed brethren. Model Information: Contains parts for the assembly of one figure, offered in two versions - The Takabara throws a spear, The Takabara is engaged in hand-to-hand combat aRead More...
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Part no: MAS32021

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Masterbox 1:32 - Greco-Persian War - Persian Light no. 8
Units E3 & E4, Ronald House, Fenton Way, Chatteris, Cambs, PE16 6UP, United Kingdom | Tel: +44(0)1354 760022 | Fax: +44(0)1354 760037
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